Sayeed Choudhury出生于巴基斯坦,但已移民美国 他现在和妻子住在纽约 法里达 一个学校的女儿| 拉希达 升学儿子| 阿里 和未婚妹妹| 杜里 一天早上,法利达听到门上的敲门声 阿里打开">
Sayeed Choudhury出生于巴基斯坦,但已移民美国 他现在和妻子住在纽约 法里达 一个学校的女儿| 拉希达 升学儿子| 阿里 和未婚妹妹| 杜里 一天早上,法利达听到门上的敲门声 阿里打开它,有Sayeed的童年朋友| 哈桑| 谁家人睁开双臂呢。 哈桑告诉他们,他将很快在美国受雇,他被邀请和乔杜里家族一起度过几天。 杜里| 谁有一个白人男朋友| 迈克| 也很高兴认识哈桑,并公开表明她对他的吸引力。 阿里也立即喜欢哈桑| 并教授伊斯兰教的真正价值观 当一个穆斯林伤害| 那么全世界穆斯林就感到痛苦。 Sayeed对美国的生活方式非常满足,特别是当他看到德国人时,感到安全舒适 犹太人 穆斯林| 天主教徒| 和非信徒和睦相处,与彼此做生意。 赛义德会...
Sayeed Choudhury was born Pakistan but has immigrated to the U.S.A.| where he now lives in New York with his wife| Farida; a school-going daughter| Rasheeda; aschool-going son| Ali; and unmarried sister| Duri. One morning Farida hears a knock on the door| Ali opens it and there is Sayeed's childhood friend| Hassan| who iswelcomed with open arms by the family. Hassan informs them that he is going to be hired soon in the States and he is invited to spend a few days with the Choudhuryfamily. Duri| who has a Caucasian boyfriend| Mike| is also thrilled to meet Hassan and openly shows her attraction to him. Ali also takes an instant liking toHassan| and is taught the true values of Islam| and when one Muslim hurts| then the pain is felt by Muslims worldwide. Sayeed is quite content with the American wayof life and feels secure and comfortable especially when he sees Germans| Jews| Muslims| Catholics| and non-believers living in harmony and doing business with eachother. Sayeed will ...