简介:A young Indian dance teacher named Ramu Gupta embarks for New York City in pursuit of fame and fortune only to find himself working as a waiter in an Indian restaurant. Through an encounter with Sharonna, a beautiful adult-film star, the sh..
A young Indian dance teacher named Ramu Gupta embarks for New York City in pursuit of fame and fortune only to find himself working as a waiter in an Indian restaurant. Through an encounter with Sharonna, a beautiful adult-film star, the shy, inexperienced Ramu is mistaken for a spiritual leader – the Guru of Sex – and becomes an overnight celebrity dispensing absurd advice to the city's elite. Fame comes at a price, however, and Ramu must choose between his newfound fame and his growing love for the beautiful Sharonna. 美國紐約是不少人追求夢想的地方,有人一登龍門,有人始終浮浮沉沉,最終是龍是鳳,在於天時地利人和,並不一定能掌握在你手。舞蹈教師拉摩便是其中一人,他千里迢迢從印度來到美國這個夢想之邦,希望有朝一日能成為電影明星。生活雖然只能靠一份微薄的印度餐廳侍應收入支持,但從沒冷卻拉摩的熱情,每天奔走在各個片場,為各個試演機會而努力。展开