简介:Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their triumphs and failures, Borgen uncovers a w..
Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their triumphs and failures, Borgen uncovers a world of political and personal intrigue. The setting is Borgen, the nickname for Denmark's Parliamentary building, otherwise known as The Castle. After scoring her party a landslide victory through her idealism and work ethic, the smart and sexy populist Birgitte Nyborg now faces the biggest dilemma of her life. The question is: Will she succumb to pressure of compromise on her ideals and face consequences both on and off the political stage?展开
帕特里克·德姆西,亚历桑德罗·博尔吉,莱娅·柯丝达,马拉基·卡比,皮亚·梅切勒,娜塔丽·拉布蒂·戈麦斯,哈里·米歇尔,萨莉·哈姆森,汤姆·麦凯,拉斯·米克尔森,塔蒂亚娜·伊内兹·纳尔多,杰玛·鲍威尔,克里斯·雷利,加布丽埃尔·沙尔尼茨基,卡夏·斯穆特尼亚克,洛娜·布朗,马克·奥哈洛伦,简·佩里,尼克·康沃尔,迪尔梅德·默塔,鲁伯特·韦恩-詹姆斯,阿什克·阿赫塔尔,芬巴尔·林奇,保罗·乔杜里,Vincent Papa
马丁·康普斯顿,薇琪·麦克卢尔,阿德里安·敦巴,坦迪·牛顿,盖特·杨森,克劳迪亚·杰西,杰森·沃特金斯,谢默斯·奥哈拉,斯科特·里德,保罗·希金斯,安妮卡·罗斯,玛雅·索地,李·恩格里比,哈丽特·肯斯,埃尔娃·崔尔,Rhodri Lewis,Kwame Che Kandekore,Mark Stobbart,Henry Miller
海报上他们三“凸”着怪有意思:一对也便利也真爱,一对都流着理想主义血液但因工作属性最多暗中并线,一对无缝合作的work spouse。剧集足以开一门超级通识的课!新常态中PM不用破墙也让我鼓掌心疼欢欣她圣母得有创意...讲idealisms kinda disguised love of power以及向asylum chief坦白更显立场喜人