

Attenboroughs Life That Glows


  • 片名:爱登堡讲述生命之光
  • 状态:
  • 导演:Joe Loncraine
  • 主演:David Attenborough
  • 年份:2016
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:纪录片纪录片
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2015-12-31
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2022-10-04 08:10:57
  • 简介:Luminous beings, creatures with their own internal light, enchant and astonish us. Anyone who has seen a firefly or a glow-worm cannot help but fall under their spell. The sea at night sparkles as millions of luminous plankton reveal the sh..
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  Luminous beings, creatures with their own internal light, enchant and astonish us. Anyone who has seen a firefly or a glow-worm cannot help but fall under their spell. The sea at night sparkles as millions of luminous plankton reveal the shapes of dolphins in a truly magical light show. But why do animals produce living light? For centuries we could only marvel at the beauty and the mystery, but now for the first time we can begin to reveal the amazing truth about living lights. It has taken three crucial technological breakthroughs. Firstly, colour cameras have improved dramatically; they are now over 4,000 times more sensitive than a decade ago. The cameras are so sensitive they are revealing startling discoveries that until now we could not see. Secondly, scientists have entered the unknown world of the boundless deep open ocean with the help of a new generation of submersibles and robots. Thirdly, Ammonite Films have invented and built a series of unique cameras that can capture the faintest ephemeral glow of luminous life. By combining these three innovations, this film shows creatures and behaviours never seen before. Sir David Attenborough is our guide as we venture into a new hitherto unseen world. Bioluminescence is everywhere: in the soil, on the land and throughout the oceans. Join Sir David Attenborough and a team of the world's leading scientists and deep sea explorers on a quest to reveal the secrets of living lights.


  • 7.4
    Chris Anderson,Bruce Bradshaw,Craig Broady,Bill Buel,Michael Calore,Nadia Cheng,Alan Cramer,David Cranor,Michael Curry,Malo Delarue,Brad Feld,Ian Ferguson,Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai,Martin Galese,Matt Griffin
  • 0.0
    弗洛伦西亚·伯纳,Juan Estay,Jorge Herreros,Gustavo Gaete,Eduardo Muñoz,Isabel Soublette,Verónica Foxley,Ismael Gomberoff,Francisco Maffioletti,Pablo Undurraga,Alexander Saravia,Juan Emilio Gatica,Miguel Ampuero,Jaime Undurraga,Otto Dörr
  • 0.0
    Chris Abramo,Naser Ahmadi,Terry Best,Bill Cook,Daniel Flores,Matt Hall,Kristi Hickey
  • 8.8
    James Foley,Unai Aranzadi,Zac Baillie,Manu Brabo,Ben Chase,Merritt Matthew Chase,Charles DePiero,Tom Durkin,Mosa'ab Elshamy,John Foley Sr.,Diane Foley,Katie Foley,Mark Foley,Michael Foley,Michael D. Joseph
  • 9.4
  • 9.0
  • 7.2
  • 8.1
  • 9.4
  • 8.7
    Mark Bittner
  • 7.7
    阿克塞尔·阿隆索,海莉·阿特维尔,杰瑞·康威,路易斯·德·埃斯波西托,阿伦·费恩,赛斯·格林,克拉克·格雷格,吉米·坎摩尔,斯坦·李,Ralph Macchio,托德·麦克法兰,帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特,尼科尔·帕尔曼,乔·奎萨达
  • 0.0
  • 8.0
    Ewen Cameron,Janine Huard,纳奥米·克莱恩,富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福,米尔顿·弗里德曼,萨尔瓦多·吉列尔莫·阿连德·戈森斯,Donald O. Hebb,理查德·尼克松,Edward Korry,奥古斯托·皮诺切特,玛格丽特·撒切尔,豪尔赫·拉斐尔·魏地拉,唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德,罗纳德·里根,Nigel Lawson,米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫,乔治·布什,鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·叶利钦,Yegor Gaydar,阿尔·戈尔,杰拉尔德·福特,乔治·W· 布什,佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫,保罗·布雷
  • 0.0
    Reed Boggs,Casey Brown,Thomas Genon,Ryan Howard,Matt Hunter,Emil Johansson,Brett Rheeder,Brandon Semenuk,Joey Shusler,Thomas Vanderham
  • 8.6
    Jerry Saltz,Martin Kemp,Alexandra Bregman,Doug Patteson,Robert K. Wittman,Dianne Dwyer Modestini,Didier Rykner,Warren Adelson,David Kirkpatrick,Alexander Parish,Bruce Lamarche,Bernd Lindemann,Frank Zöllner,Yves Bouvier,Antoine Harari
  • 9.3
  • 8.6
    蒂莫西·利瑞,艾德·艾姆许维勒,Franz Fuenstler,杰克·史密斯,Mario Montez,尼可,伊迪·塞奇威克,安迪·沃霍尔,朱迪丝·马利纳,Storm De Hirsch,诺曼·梅勒,艾伦·金斯堡,约翰·列侬,小野洋子,Leo Adams,斯坦·布拉哈格,卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶
  • 0.0
    Sahana Srinivasan,Alison Ward,Gary T. Carlin,Nate Washburn,Mea Wilkerson,Simone Vysnovsky,Dane West,Roseanne Almanzar,David Bizzaro,Matthew Carter,莉亚·道迪
  • 9.0
  • 8.5
    Janna Levin,Nia-Imara Barberousse,Marcia Bartusiak,Shep Doeleman,Peter Galison,Andrea Ghez,Eilat Glikman,James Guillochon,Dale Kocevski,Tod R. Lauer,尼尔·德格拉塞·泰森


    共  条评论
    • 游客2022-10-04
    • 游客2022-10-04
        Luminous beings creatures with their own internal light enchant and astonish us. Anyone who has seen a firefly or a glow-worm cannot help but fall under their spell. The sea at night sparkles as millions of luminous plankton reveal the shapes of dolphins in a truly magical light show.   But why do animals produce living light? For centuries we could only marvel at the beauty an...
    • 游客2022-10-04
      五星献给大自然。给双鞭毛虫和介形虫和所有会发光的小伙伴点两百万个赞。#Nature is LIT#
    • 游客2022-10-04
    • 游客2022-10-04
      太美了!这个世界真的充满了神奇! 多想亲眼看那么多的萤火虫和发光的海洋。