简介:The story about New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton coaching his son's 6th grade football team, when Payton was suspended for the entire 2012 season as a result of his role in the Saints' Bountygate scandal..
The story about New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton coaching his son's 6th grade football team, when Payton was suspended for the entire 2012 season as a result of his role in the Saints' Bountygate scandal展开
对NFL那个丑闻不了解,不过这个剧情还是蛮套路的,垫底菜鸡一路晋升至决赛,没啥新意,不过一个是雨赛那个太yuck了,真的是,魔法攻击挡不住,尤其人人无魔抗,太nb了,艹,不过真的,吃饭不能看。另一个就是他们帮小队员追女生那个哈哈哈哈,如何让女生认识你:跑到她领居家门口唱歌点孔明灯,然后着火树倒了砸了女生妈妈的车,哈哈哈哈哈,“well at least she knows who you are...
运动片往往会因为加戏太多从而失真或者反而冲淡了真实体育的戏剧性。这个片子就是这样,加入的笑料有点太刻意太俗气基本是硬挠人夹肢窝。但是片子没有忘记,这是一个讲落寞的人自我反思自我救赎的故事。虽然这个based on true story更应该是inspired by true event 原本的真实故事更像是一段轶闻,而本片将其塑造为一个世俗化了的功利化了的人回到家乡找回本真的快乐,是挺俗气的,但...