

人生90后If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast


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  “Every morning before having breakfast, I pick up my newspaper, get the obituary section, and see if I’m listed,” says comedy legend Carl Reiner. “If I’m not, I’ll have my breakfast.” The 95-year-old wonders why some of his friends died years ago, while others are still thriving, asking, “Was it luck, genes, modern medicine or are we doing something right?” If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast celebrates the art of enjoying life after age 90, aided by a good dose of humor. Reiner’s nephew, George Shapiro (Seinfeld), produces and Danny Gold directs. In this heartwarming documentary, Reiner tracks down such celebrated nonagenarians and centenarians as Mel Brooks, 90, Dick Van Dyke, 91, Norman Lear, 94, and Betty White, 95, who show that the later years can truly be the happiest and most rewarding. The film’s opening title song, “The Best Is Yet to Come,” is performed by Tony Bennett, 90, and the original song “Just Getting Started,” is co-written and performed by Alan Bergman, 90. Others featured include comic book writer and publisher Stan Lee, the former president of Marvel, who’s still writing, producing and making cameo appearances in hit films at 94; Patricia Morison, 101, an actress and singer, and fashion icon Iris Apfel, 95. Actor Kirk Douglas, 100, chats with Reiner about the stroke that left him unable to speak and the subsequent one-man show he undertook, with his wife’s encouragement, to prove he could still function. Also interviewed are Harriette Thompson, 93, the oldest woman to run and finish a marathon, Ida Keeling, 101, a track and field athlete, who works out for an hour every day, 98-year-old yoga teacher, Tao Porchon-Lynch, who marched with Gandhi and recently took up tango, and Jim “Pee Wee” Martin, 95, who fought in D-Day and still parachutes. Admirers from the younger set featured in the documentary include comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who’s already reserved the stage at Caesars Palace for his 100th birthday show; longevity expert Dan Buettner, and Van Dyke’s much-younger wife, Arlene, who’s got all she can handle keeping up with her exuberant husband on the dance floor. HBO Documentary Films presents a Shapiro/West Production in association with Gold Entertainment; original song “Just Getting Started” by Alan Marilyn Bergman and Dave Grusin; edited by Michael Mayhew; executive produced by Aimee Hyatt and Howard West; written by Danny Gold and Michael Mayhew; produced by George Shapiro; produced and directed by Danny Gold.




    共  条评论
    • 游客2022-05-12
      绝对的五星作品!谁能想到片子里全是90岁以上的老人,却能拍得如此轻松幽默呢!从Carl Reiner上来第一个吐槽讣告的镜头开始,全程都好笑到不行,每一位老人都乐观、积极,活在当下、享受当下,Carl甚至还每天玩电脑、拍自拍,这也许是他们长寿的秘诀! 最期待的Kirk Douglas在影片快结尾的时候才出现,已经99岁,多少有点口齿不清了,但依然还有当年迷人的气质。 如果老了都能这样,年龄又有什么...
    • 游客2022-05-12
        “Every morning before having breakfast I pick up my newspaper get the obituary section and see if I’m listed” says comedy legend Carl Reiner. “If I’m not I’ll have my breakfast.” The 95-year-old wonders why some of his friends died years ago while others are still thriving asking “Was it luck genes modern medicine or are we doing something right?”   If You’re Not in the...
    • 游客2022-05-12
      2020Carl Reiner去世了 像他们一样去面对老年生活吧
    • 游客2022-05-12
      最近的早餐时间必备,在hbo max首页挂了好久才点开,没想到即播即惊喜。听着那些会被当作金句佳章写在书里剧本里的话像呼气一样随随便便从这些人嘴边蹦出只觉时间是金。( quote-If you dont take care of yourself nobody else will. You’ve got to be the boss of your body. And just feel st...
    • 游客2022-05-12