简介:After his home kingdom is destroyed by the ancient devil priest Mumm-Ra, the young Thundercat Lord Lion-O leads a team of survivors as they fight evil on Third Earth.(imdb上簡介) 在他的故鄉被古老邪惡祭司Mumm-Ra破壞後,年輕的Thundercat之王Lion-O在Third Earth帶領一隊倖存者與..
After his home kingdom is destroyed by the ancient devil priest Mumm-Ra, the young Thundercat Lord Lion-O leads a team of survivors as they fight evil on Third Earth.(imdb上簡介)
在他的故鄉被古老邪惡祭司Mumm-Ra破壞後,年輕的Thundercat之王Lion-O在Third Earth帶領一隊倖存者與邪惡對抗展开