

An Unreasonable Man


  • 片名:不可理喻之人
  • 状态:
  • 导演:Henriette Mantel Steve Skrovan
  • 主演:拉尔夫·纳德 Pat Buchanan Howard Zinn
  • 年份:2006
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:纪录片纪录片,传记
  • 时长:122
  • 上映:2006-01-23
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2022-06-30 07:06:07
  • 简介:The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) Maxims for Revoluti..
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  The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) Maxims for Revolutionists In 1966, General Motors, the most powerful corporation in the world, sent private investigators to dig up dirt on an obscure thirty-two year old public interest lawyer named Ralph Nader, who had written a book critical of one of their cars, the Corvair. The scandal that ensued after the smear campaign was revealed launched Ralph Nader into national prominence and established him as one of the most admired Americans and the leader of the modern Consumer Movement. Over the next thirty years and without ever holding public office, Nader built a legislative record that is the rival of any contemporary president. Many things we take for granted including seat belts, airbags, product labeling, no nukes, even the free ticket you get after being bumped from an overbooked flight are largely due to the efforts of Ralph Nader and his citizen groups. Yet today, when most people hear the name Ralph Nader, they think of the man who gave the country George W. Bush. As a result, after sustaining his popularity and effectiveness over an unprecedented amount of time, he has become a pariah even among former friends and allies. How did this happen? Is he really to blame for George W. Bush? Who has stuck by him and who has abandoned him? Has our democracy become a consumer fraud? After being so right for so many years, how did he seem to go so wrong? With the help of exciting graphics, rare archival footage and over forty on-camera interviews conducted over the past two years, An Unreasonable Man traces the life and career of Ralph Nader, one of the most unique, important, and controversial political figures of the past half century.


  • 9.3
  • 8.3
    Reyhaneh Jabbari,Shole Pakravan,Fereydoon Jabbari,Shahrzad Jabbari,Sharare Jabbari,Parvaneh Hajilou,Mohammad Mostafaei,Samira Mokarrami,扎拉·阿米尔·阿布拉希米
  • 0.0
  • 7.7
    乔治·巴萨尼,Renato Guttuso,Gigi Artuso,Carlo Romano,夏尔·安德烈·约瑟夫·马里·戴高乐,德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔,尤里·加加林,艾娃·加德纳,尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫,列宁,索菲娅·罗兰,玛丽莲·梦露,教宗圣若望二十三世,保禄六世,教宗庇护十二世,菲利普亲王,伊丽莎白二世,苏加诺
  • 8.1
  • 0.0
    Gary Bowman,Kevin Charles Gauntner,Ed Kemper,Sean Patrowich
  • 7.4
    Chris Anderson,Bruce Bradshaw,Craig Broady,Bill Buel,Michael Calore,Nadia Cheng,Alan Cramer,David Cranor,Michael Curry,Malo Delarue,Brad Feld,Ian Ferguson,Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai,Martin Galese,Matt Griffin
  • 0.0
    Ari Wallach
  • 0.0
    弗洛伦西亚·伯纳,Juan Estay,Jorge Herreros,Gustavo Gaete,Eduardo Muñoz,Isabel Soublette,Verónica Foxley,Ismael Gomberoff,Francisco Maffioletti,Pablo Undurraga,Alexander Saravia,Juan Emilio Gatica,Miguel Ampuero,Jaime Undurraga,Otto Dörr
  • 6.6
    克拉克·格雷格,雷甘·伯恩斯,布里吉特·卡莉·卡纳莱斯,汤加伊·基里萨,佩里·吉普林,克里斯·约翰逊,德里克·菲利普斯,John Redlinger
  • 0.0
    Chris Abramo,Naser Ahmadi,Terry Best,Bill Cook,Daniel Flores,Matt Hall,Kristi Hickey
  • 8.8
    James Foley,Unai Aranzadi,Zac Baillie,Manu Brabo,Ben Chase,Merritt Matthew Chase,Charles DePiero,Tom Durkin,Mosa'ab Elshamy,John Foley Sr.,Diane Foley,Katie Foley,Mark Foley,Michael Foley,Michael D. Joseph
  • 9.0
  • 8.6
    巴兹·奥德林,琼·安·阿彻,珍妮特·阿姆斯特朗,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗,约翰尼·卡森,克利福德·E·查尔斯沃思,迈克尔·柯林斯,迈克尔·柯林斯,查尔斯·杜克,吉因·克兰兹,格林·伦尼,理查德·尼克松,理查德·尼克松 Richard Nixon,迪克·斯雷顿 Deke Slayton
  • 8.1
  • 9.4
  • 8.7
    Mark Bittner
  • 7.7
    阿克塞尔·阿隆索,海莉·阿特维尔,杰瑞·康威,路易斯·德·埃斯波西托,阿伦·费恩,赛斯·格林,克拉克·格雷格,吉米·坎摩尔,斯坦·李,Ralph Macchio,托德·麦克法兰,帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特,尼科尔·帕尔曼,乔·奎萨达
  • 0.0
  • 8.0
    Ewen Cameron,Janine Huard,纳奥米·克莱恩,富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福,米尔顿·弗里德曼,萨尔瓦多·吉列尔莫·阿连德·戈森斯,Donald O. Hebb,理查德·尼克松,Edward Korry,奥古斯托·皮诺切特,玛格丽特·撒切尔,豪尔赫·拉斐尔·魏地拉,唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德,罗纳德·里根,Nigel Lawson,米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫,乔治·布什,鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·叶利钦,Yegor Gaydar,阿尔·戈尔,杰拉尔德·福特,乔治·W· 布什,佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫,保罗·布雷


    共  条评论
    • 游客2022-06-30
    • 游客2022-06-30
      Controversial person. Admire his courage.
    • 游客2022-06-30
    • 游客2022-06-30
      Democracy has many gradations.
    • 游客2022-06-30
        The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.   -George Bernard Shaw Man and Superman (1903)   Maxims for Revolutionists   In 1966 General Motors the most powerful corporation in the world sent private investigators to dig up dirt on an obscure thir...