简介:In this visually stunning and captivating series, bear witness to the extraordinary wildlife of Iberia’s Woodlands – one of the most beautiful yet ferocious environments on earth...
In this visually stunning and captivating series, bear witness to the extraordinary wildlife of Iberia’s Woodlands – one of the most beautiful yet ferocious environments on earth. Filmed over a year, the series charts the lives of an incredible range of animals – from Eagles and Wolves to White Storks and Lynxes – as they strive to survive the dramatically changing seasons of the forest. Combining a Mediterranean climate and a closeness to Africa, the region is blessed with unparalleled diversity and is home to both the rarest big cat (The Iberian Lynx) and the smallest mammal (the Etruscian Shrew) on earth. But life in Iberia’s Woodlands is hard. Surviving here has never been easy. And with the climate changing faster than ever before, existing here is becoming ever more savage. With life now always on the edge, which animals will survive here in this land of extremes?
Producer: Palearctic Films Azor Producciones
Episodes include…
1. Breeding Season
2. Rivalry Time展开
艾丽·范宁,尼古拉斯·霍尔特,菲比·福克斯,詹森·艾萨克,格威利姆·李,查丽蒂·维克菲尔德,亚当·戈德利,道格拉斯·霍奇斯,贝琳达·布罗米洛,巴约·巴达莫西,弗洛伦斯·基思-罗奇,弗莱迪·福克斯,格蕾丝·莫洛尼,亨利·梅雷迪思,萨沙·达万,朱利安·巴拉特,达斯汀·德姆瑞·伯恩斯,埃德·斯托帕德,约翰·麦克米兰,Alistair Green,Jane Mahady,Keon Martial-Phillip,Tallulah Bond
马丁·康普斯顿,薇琪·麦克卢尔,阿德里安·敦巴,坦迪·牛顿,盖特·杨森,克劳迪亚·杰西,杰森·沃特金斯,谢默斯·奥哈拉,斯科特·里德,保罗·希金斯,安妮卡·罗斯,玛雅·索地,李·恩格里比,哈丽特·肯斯,埃尔娃·崔尔,Rhodri Lewis,Kwame Che Kandekore,Mark Stobbart,Henry Miller
In this visually stunning and captivating series bear witness to the extraordinary wildlife of Iberia’s Woodlands – one of the most beautiful yet ferocious environments on earth. Filmed over a year the series charts the lives of an incredible range of animals – from Eagles and Wolves to White Storks and Lynxes – as they strive to survive the dramatically changing seasons of t...