简介:Following on from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this musical is set several years later in Brad and Janet Majors' hometown - which has become a giant TV station; residents are either participants or viewers. They are married now, but their..
Following on from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this musical is set several years later in Brad and Janet Majors' hometown - which has become a giant TV station; residents are either participants or viewers. They are married now, but their romance has fallen on the rocks. Ostensibly to fix their marriage, Brad is imprisoned on the program Dentonvale (the local mental hospital) while Janet is conscripted to become a new star. As Janet is entranced by the high life, she forgets Brad. Who is trying to woo her away? (Written by Miss Rori Stevens from imdb)展开
Following on from The Rocky Horror Picture Show this musical is set several years later in Brad and Janet Majors' hometown - which has become a giant TV station; residents are either participants or viewers. They are married now but their romance has fallen on the rocks. Ostensibly to fix their marriage Brad is imprisoned on the program Dentonvale (the local mental hospi...
娱乐至死 现世不报 | me me me me moi moi me me | 别盼一个洛基的续集,而是看洛基创作者音乐才华的续,硬比较的话这片少了科幻感市井气重很多