简介:Casey Affleck plays Jim, a young man who, after deciding he can't make it on his own, moves back to his hometown in Indiana -- under his parents' roof. He's saved from his family's dysfunction by a local woman and her son, who sees him as a..
Casey Affleck plays Jim, a young man who, after deciding he can't make it on his own, moves back to his hometown in Indiana -- under his parents' roof. He's saved from his family's dysfunction by a local woman and her son, who sees him as a father figure.
讲述一个27岁的男子回家和父母一起住,当年青的吉姆(Casey Affleck演)决定自己无法独力完成后, 他回到在印第安纳的家乡小镇-- 让双亲庇护着。而当地一名妇女和她儿子解决了吉姆和家庭不和谐的关系,那个小孩更把他当成父亲般看待,想办法履行棘手的家庭责任。展开
Casey Affleck plays Jim a young man who after deciding he can't make it on his own moves back to his hometown in Indiana -- under his parents' roof. He's saved from his family's dysfunction by a local woman and her son who sees him as a father figure.
讲述一个27岁的男子回家和父母一起住,当年青的吉姆(Casey Affleck演)决定自己无法独力完成后 他回到在印第安纳的家乡小镇-- 让双亲庇护着。而当地一名妇女和她儿子解决了吉姆和家庭不和谐的关系,那个小孩更把他当成父亲般看待,想办...
废柴作家破产还乡,向老妈讨酒钱消愁,教唆亲哥自杀,勾搭小护士;如何鼓舞小学生球队参与一场必输的球赛?给海明威换上张笑脸。I thought you never ran……忧郁小清新,结尾太正能量了,没有《伤心树屋》来得好玩