简介:The Ghosts, touched by Alison’s thoughtful generosity, are inspired to give her a special Christmas present in return – but with Alison due back in a matter of hours, can they pul..
The Ghosts, touched by Alison’s thoughtful generosity, are inspired to give her a special Christmas present in return – but with Alison due back in a matter of hours, can they pull off their ambitious plan in time?展开
太温暖了太温暖了呜呜呜,圣诞节的早上看得我被感动到。Alison真的天使!用心准备了这么多的礼物给大家。大家也都是天使,Robin真的朴实又智慧,还有我们Captain简直就是仙女教母本仙。Pat的录影带真的看得我呜呜哭。圣诞特辑真的好温暖好温暖。Merry Christmas and goodwill to all men.