The film set in Varanasi, follows the lives of a young orphan (Nikhil Sahni), a low-caste teenage boy (Vicky Kaushal) who falls in love with an upper-caste girl (Shweta Tripathi), her father (Sanjay Mishra) and a woman (Richa Chadha) caught in a sex scandal. Masaan is Hindi word for crematorium, where the teenage boy works. As their stories collide, in girls father who is fighting a taboo, the young orphan finds an unlikely father figure
灰暗中有深意和希望,真实而不失诗意。最喜欢他扔了戒指 然后跳下去捡戒指 未遂再次浮出水面看到莲花漂浮的场景 彻底翻页 特别有禅意。 What is life but a manifestation of orderliness and method in elements /
What is death but chaos within these same elements 不过有些元...