来自迈阿密的两个朋友都在Mediterranian正在享受生活通过骗取富有的妇女的钱。 一天| 他们读到一个年轻女子设置要继承50美元百万从她的父亲。 起初| Tricky有克里斯托弗·特雷西谈论浪漫她为她的钱| 但是当他知道她| 克里斯托弗爱上了她。 这种爱来自兄弟|之间 和Tricky告诉所有关于计划...
Two friends from Miami are in the Mediterranian are enjoying life by scamming money off of rich women. One day| they read about a young woman set to inherit $50
million from her father. At first| Tricky has Christopher Tracy talked into romancing her for her money| but as he gets to know her| Christopher falls in love with
her. This love comes between the brothers| and Tricky tells all about the plan...