简介:The first abstract artist was a woman: misjudged and concealed, Hilma af Klint rocks the art world with her mind-blowing oeuvre. A hundred years later she is the biggest discovery who is attracting millions of fans worldwide. Currently the ..
The first abstract artist was a woman: misjudged and concealed, Hilma af Klint rocks the art world with her mind-blowing oeuvre. A hundred years later she is the biggest discovery who is attracting millions of fans worldwide. Currently the Guggenheim Museum NY is showing Hilma af Klint in the first major solo exhibition in the United States.展开
乌苏拉·科尔维罗,纳瓦·尼姆利,米格尔·安赫尔·西尔维斯特,阿尔瓦罗·莫奇,阿尔巴·弗洛雷斯,埃丝特·阿塞博,伊西娅尔·伊图诺,佩德罗·阿隆索,米盖尔·赫尔南,海因米·洛伦特,贝伦·奎斯塔,恩里克·阿尔切,霍威克·库区科利安,达尔科.佩里克,罗德里戈·德拉·塞尔纳,帕特里克·克里亚多,卢卡·佩洛斯,费尔南多·卡约,阿尔维托·阿玛里利亚,José Manuel Seda
感到很幸运之前亲眼看到她的作品被curate很好放在一个展里,站在她大幅画作面前真的非常震撼。看纪录片的时候才意识到100年来第一次被如此大规模的展出的意义。1000多张画,各式的手稿,我希望有朝一日他们都能被慢慢陈列出来。her work needs to be visible and the record setting six hundred thousand people is not e...